Dec 13, 2022
We must work on our minds to overcome the habits of attachment--which always bring suffering--whether one is a monk or a family man. The context of a monastery versus a home with young children will make the practice different in some ways, but in other ways achieving levels of nonattachment remains the same!
Nov 17, 2022
When we’re being selfish, our actions are motivated by attachment to our happiness, reputation, opinion, expectations being met, etc. As we practiced after the last episode, we again practice cherishing others as an opponent to attachment. This time, however, we try to motivate our practice of cherishing others by a...
Oct 30, 2022
In this episode and subsequent mindfulness practice, we are working toward severing the root of craving (also known as attachment). What is the root of craving? Suffering is said to have three roots: anger, attachment, and--the root of anger and attachment--ignorance. In particular, the root of craving is ignorance of...
Oct 25, 2022
Attachment to the self causes suffering, just as suffering invariably follows attachment to any object. In general, attachment arises when we perceive an object we find attractive and become fixated on it; we exaggerate its qualities until we become glued to the object, so that it is painful if we are separated from it....
Sep 19, 2022
In this episode, we look at a three-step process to lessen attachment. The first step is to notice the craving mind and examine it. The craving mind focuses on its object of desire, exaggerates its good qualities, and fixates on it until it feels it can not be happy without it: it is at this stage that attachment has...