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Buddhism for Everyone with JoAnn Fox

Nov 11, 2023

This episode explores the art of ethical living, guided by the practice of restraint. Restraint involves intentionally moderating and controlling one's actions, speech, and thoughts. We cultivate restraint to minimize the harm we cause and to build the foundation for spiritual development. A good guide for our practice of restraint is the Five Precepts. The Five Precepts were given to his lay (not ordained) followers as ethical guidelines that include the vow to abstain from killing, stealing, engaging in sexual misconduct, lying, and becoming intoxicated. 

How to practice the ethical discipline of restraint:
Generate the motivation to practice restraint with some action
Decide we're going to do it 
Use mindfulness to remember that we've decided to practice restraint
Put this decision into practice

Whoever does no ill 
Through body, speech, and mind, 
And is restrained in these three areas, 
I call a brahmin. (Verse 391)
--Buddha, The Dhammapada

Reference with Link: Buddha.The Dhammapada. Translated by Gil Fronsdale. (Kindle). Shambala, Boston and London, 2011. (Link)

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