Sep 12, 2019
The world that appears to us depends upon our mind: our mental habits, our views and beliefs. In this episode, Buddhist Teacher, JoAnn Fox, talks about how to purify our mind and specifically how to purify our negative karma. We can create a new mind and a new world by purifying negative karma and taking positive actions toward creating the life we really want.
Karma means action. Actions that caused harm to others in the past create our present painful feelings and experiences. We can purify the negative karma we’ve created in the past through the following purification meditation, which also involves a special mindfulness practice in daily life.
Meditation to Purifying Negative Karma has four parts:
Whoever recovers from doing evil
By doing something wholesome
Illuminates the world
Like the moon set free from a cloud. (172)
Whoever replaces an evil deed
With what is wholesome
Illuminates the world
Like the moon set free from a cloud. (173)*
—Buddha, The Dhammapada
Buddha.The Dhammapada. Translated by Gil Fronsdale. Shambala, Boston and London, 2011, pp. 43.
Yeshe, Thupten. Introduction to Tantra. (Audiobook). Wisdom Publications, Somerville, 2014.