Jan 11, 2020
Almost everyone wants to be less stressed and more peaceful. Even as our modern world ramps up the external stressors, we can learn to make ourselves calm and relaxed. The Buddha said, “there is no happiness higher than peace”. This episode guides us through a simple process to become more peaceful and to de-stress.
Mindfulness Practice to De-stress
Part 2 Daily Meditation
There is no fire like lust
No misfortune like hate,
No suffering like the aggregates
And no happiness higher than peace.
—Buddha, The Dhammapada
A Simple Breathing Meditation
Buddha. The Dhammapada, translated by Gil Fronsdale. (2011). Shambala, pp. 54.
Oz, M. (2019), Apr. 11). America’s Doctor: The Dr. Oz Podcast. How to Stress Less [podcast]. Episode 94.