Oct 27, 2019
Whenever we patiently except some suffering, pain or irritation we purify karma that created it. To mindfully harness the power of this process, we can do a karma cleanse. The karma cleanse described in this episode requires we fast from blameāno blame for one week. In particular, we refrain from blaming any living...
Oct 20, 2019
The teachings of Buddha show us how to develop habits of happiness and peace. By practicing mindfulness we can train our mind and become anyway we want. No matter how confused, lonely, anxious or angry we are habitually, we can change. In this episode, we look at a verse that distill all of Buddha's teaching into three...
Oct 11, 2019
The habit of attachment gives rise to craving, and craving robs us of our inner peace and happiness in the most deceptive ways. Attachment is on of the main mental afflictions Buddha described. The afflictions of anger and jealousy obviously steal our peace, but attachment might seem like it is creating happiness! An...
Oct 6, 2019
In Buddhism, generosity is defined as the virtue of a generous attitude and any physical and verbal actions motivated by this intention. Thus, generosity is fundamentally a state of mind. Our goal would be to completely condition our mind to giving. It is conditioning our mind to wish to be the gift, the blessing, the...