Dec 14, 2020
Within the Four NobleTruths, Buddha taught the method to end suffering, which is the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path has three areas of focus: moral discipline, mental discipline, and wisdom. In almost all his discourses when teaching directly to people, Buddha included the Eightfold path. In this verse, Buddha is...
Nov 23, 2020
What is joyous perseverance (effort)?
“When you have focused upon something virtuous, joyous perseverance is enthusiasm for it. Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds says:
What is joyous perseverance? It is delight in virtue.
The Bodhisattva Levels explains it as a flawless state of mind that is enthusiastic...
Nov 17, 2020
Nov 2, 2020
Taking refuge is the key expression of commitment to Buddhism. If you want to identify as a Buddhist in a more formal way, you can take refuge by saying the refuge prayer: “I go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.” When we take refuge, we are committing ourselves to peace and the path to that inner peace. The...
Oct 20, 2020
A Buddhist is sometimes referred to as an inner being. This is one who solves their problems and seeks happiness within. In this episode, we look at how to recognize whether we are seeking inner or outer refuge, the difference being whether it can truly solve our problem and give us peace—or not.
Yama’s henchmen...